My Ads Are Getting Rejected By Facebook


We call attention to this in the course with 3 recommendations:

  1. Spend some time checking out Facebook Ad Policy if you believe you're in a more regulated industry.

  2. If you're in a more heavily regulated industry (health products, make money, etc.), it's better to go slower with ad labs and make sure you're getting approvals along the way. Also, if you have a history of rejections, go slower.

  3. If you get rejections, it's because you're likely violating a policy somewhere, so work to identify what it is before submitting more ads. And when you do, go slower and only submit a few to get approved before submitting a ton.

    If all ads got rejected, then it means you'll just need to find the common denominator. Depending on what test you're running, it'll likely be the creative or the landing page. Landing pages are often a BIG culprit if every single ad is rejected.

Side-note: We take things Facebook "pros" say with a grain of salt.