Why Is Facebook Tracking Off/Delayed?
Ever since IOS14, tracking has been much more sporadic and you might experience things like Facebook missing purchases or Facebook tracking more purch...
I can only select products from my shop, and I can't upload my own creative to my Facebook ad. How do I fix this?
On the campaign level, you'll need to find the "Campaign Details" area, and then unselect the "Use A Catalog" checkbox underneath that section. This w...
Should my ad labs include an offer?
If you have an offer that has proven to work in ads in the past, include this offer in your ad lab, as it will most likely stay on your super ad. If y...
How Do I Find A Winning Offer For My Store?
We recommend you run a "mini-ad lab" called an "Offer Lab." If you've ran an ad lab in the past, this is very similar, just a smaller test with a more...
What do I do if my ads are getting normal click-through rates and cost per clicks, but no one is purchasing?
First, walk through your website step-by-step. Sometimes the most common fix for lack of purchases is a technical error. Meaning, when someone adds so...
I can't set an "existing customer budget cap" to retarget within my Advantage+ Shopping Campaign
If you aren't able to set the "Existing Customer Budget Cap" inside your A+ Shopping Campaign or it is grayed out , it means you have not added your ...